
 Наталья Катченок, учитель английского языка ГУО "Несвижская гимназия"

 Interactive Support

 Уроки в лингафонном кабинете:

Sports in Britain
Symbols of Canada

Some ideas for your lessons:

Role-playing practice
Student A

 Son or daughter
 You will finish high school this year.  You haven’t yet decided what you want to study in university.  But you definitely want to decide for yourself.  Explain this to your father. 
 Harry has been offered a very good job in Los Angeles.  You think Harry should accept the job, although you will be sad about losing your own job in New York.  You think Harry’s job is more important than yours.
 Start with: “Guess what!  Harry has been offered a job in L.A.” 
You have fallen in love!  But that person already has a boy/girlfriend.  Ask your friend for advice. 
Your daughter, Sue, works at a restaurant.  She enjoys her job because she likes talking to people.  But she also wants to get married and have a child.  Should you introduce her to your friend’s son, Tony?  Discuss the situation with your friend. Start with: “Has your son found a wife yet?” 
 You are very proud of your son/daughter.  You hope she/he will study hard at university, and not be distracted by anything (like music or love). 

Student B

 Your son/daughter will finish high school this year.  You want him/her to study engineering at a University.  Explain this to him/her. 
Start with: “It’s time to start thinking about university.”
 Susan’s friend 
You don’t think Susan should sacrifice her job, just for Harry.  She should stay in New York.  Give your advice to Susan. 
 Listen to your friend’s problem, and give your advice. 
Start with: “What’s the matter?” 
Your son, Tony, is a young doctor who often works long hours at the hospital.  He is a quiet thoughtful person.  Should you introduce him to your friend’s daughter, Sue?  Discuss the situation with your friend. 
Tell your mother about your new boy/girlfriend at university. 
Start with: “I’ve been so happy recently!” 

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